Friday, February 8, 2013

This Bare Masterpiece

Living in this pasture is full of raw beauty.  The refreshed look of the land after the rain.  The way the sun slowly hides behind the trees, peaking out as if to say one last good night.  And I can't help but be captured by this incredible masterpiece. The fullness of color in the spring and fall to the bare barked trees in the winter.  Indescribable.


And I feel bare, bare to my very soul.  Emotions and moments that are raw.  Waiting.  Wanting to be a masterpiece.  To live in the fullness of who I've been created to be.  To experience community, true community.  Where life is lived together, and not just in the same town.  Reciprocating friendship, not just in word but also in deed.  Where a "how are you" is more than a passing question.


Just like that lone pecan tree on our fence line, standing bare barked for all to see.  I feel exposed.  My very heart laid bare in the waiting.  Knowing that this canvas, stark white and ready for use, is being prepared.  Prepared for something the artist deems a masterpiece.


This post is part of Five Minute Fridays over at  Come on over and check out some other wonderful blogs!




1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! Just beautiful. I love the pictures and my heart echoes your desire to be a masterpiece! So glad I stopped by from FMF.
