Friday, March 7, 2014


God is wrecking me. Wrecking. Me. The last six weeks have been one difficult conversation with The Almighty after another.  Some are continual...most are continual. And today is no different.  In His grace, God has allowed me to participate in the season of Lent leading up to Easter for the past few years. This year my wonderful husband and I are going through a YouVersion reading plan.  (I highly encourage a devotional reading plan as part of your Lenten experience.)

Over the past few weeks, I have begun to hear God gently whisper that the gifts and dreams He has given me are not for myself.  They are my position on the field of play. And today, in N.T. Wright's devotional, he says,
It's very easy for people to imagine that they can be 'religious' — they can say their prayers, they can go to church, they can read the Bible — but basically they are looking on, spectating, while God does what- ever God is going to do.

And I cringe.  My soul just wants to curl up in this ball and cry.  I've been called out of the more spectating.

I should be in the game. Focusing my attention - head and heart - on Christ, alone
Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” And they left their nets at once and followed him. ~Matthew 4:19-20

He's called me, as prepared or unprepared as I feel at times, to follow Him.  His call isn't to be religious. But to allow Him to make something of me that I cannot make of my own accord.

Are you a spectator or on the field of play? What's keeping you from being fully in the game?



  1. Don't you just love it when Jesus takes us out of our comfort zone.

  2. I'm right there with you, sister! God has been calling me out as well. I'm humbled every time I stop and think about the years I've drug my heals, and yet He still wants to use me! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Oh, it can be so scary and so amazing at the same time! Nervous but excited to see what He's doing.

  4. He never ceases to amaze me! God is so good. So thankful that He isn't content to let me stay comfortable.
