Currently, I am working through a study called Abounding Hope, written by Katie Orr and Lara Williams, as part of the Hello Mornings Challenge. Reading in Job chapter 39, I must confess, was at first quite challenging. I admit that in the back of my mind I thought, "I surely couldn't answer these questions God was posing to Job." So I reread the text and a couple of things really jumped off the page for me.
Job 39:1-2, "Do you know when the wild goats give birth?
Have you watched as deer are born in the wild?
Do you know how many months they carry their young?
Are you aware of the time of their delivery?"
Creation exists from the very words of God. Nothing is hidden from Him nor is anything made of which He is unaware. He is the one who gives dreams and desires. He alone knows the months of toil until fruit of labor is seen. He plants vision and appoints time. Dreams, desires and visions, whether in secret or in light, are known by Him, from the moment of conception until the time of delivery and beyond.
Job 39:5-8, "Who gives the wild donkey its freedom?
Who untied its ropes?
I have placed it in the wilderness;
its home is the wasteland.
It hates the noise of the city
and has no driver to shout at it.
The mountains are its pastureland,
where it searches for every blade of grass.
God appoints places seemingly unworthy of habitation, fruitful. He places us where we are so that we will rely on Him to sustain us. Situations and circumstances are not beyond His control. We must trust in the one who can see the complete picture.
Who are you trusting? Where have you placed your dreams, desires and goals? Do you have Hope that comes from Christ alone?
Abounding Love study sounds eye-opening. Thanks for the thought-provoking questions!