Then in just a moment his entire life flashed before his eyes. At the request of his father, he set out to find his brothers, checking on them and the flocks in their care. As he traveled, wandering hillside after hillside looking for them, he never imagined the fate that lay before him. His brothers, who were quite older than himself, saw him from a distance. Taking notice of his cloak, they recognized him. Jealousy had already taken root in their hearts and now gave birth to hate. They plotted his death. Never once considering the hurt they would cause their own father. In a last ditch effort, they decided not to kill him but to let him die. Thus not having blood on their own hands. Hate gave way to greed. As they saw a group of merchants traveling to Egypt, they decided to sell their brother. Forever ridding themselves of his presence and annoyance, or so they thought.

Joseph had prided himself with the visions he had in dreams. He knew he was favored by his father and rubbed salt in the wounds of his brothers by sharing these dreams. Now, separated by miles from his family, his only hope was to trust in the God of his father. The God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob. His life had been spared by his brothers and was now in the hands of his master. God's protection brought Joseph to Egypt and into service in the house of Pharoah's captain of the guard, Potipher. It was there the God of Jacob made Joseph successful and opened the eyes of Potipher to see the ability in Joseph. And Joseph trusted in the only thing he could claim as his own, the faith he placed in his Creator.
There is so much more to this story. It is a one of redemption and forgiveness. One that takes betrayal and pride and learns to see passed the temporary to the bigger picture. Joseph had nothing else he could do but to lean on Almighty God and not on his own understanding. He had to trust the God who allowed these events to take place had a greater purpose. That the God who allowed his slavery could also make him second in command of Egypt.
Trusting God in the difficult times is, well, often difficult. Don't we often see the here and now and not the bigger picture? We want to make the offense our reason for ____________________(fill in the blank with whatever emotion suites your fancy). Instead of trusting the God who brought us to this point and can bring us through it as well. Whatever you are facing, will you do like Joseph and lean on The One who knows and sees the bigger picture? Joseph didn't have it all figured out and his idea of success had probably been shattered. Praise God that His protection covered Joseph and covers us as well!
Today I will allow Christ to be my guide. Accepting His definition of success, I will serve others - and not just the ones I choose. Sharing the Hope that I have with all who ask my reason for it, and probably even more!
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