Yet one can't help but remember. Remembering a life young and bound. Tragedy and triumph sewn together in heartbreak and loss, leaving a community of friends and family to grieve. Remembering the depth in his eyes and fullness of his laughter. Hearing in memories the peace in his voice and the heaviness in his steps.
And what is now will always be and what was will never be again. The chains of bondage, addiction, need broken for all time and eternity. And the selflessness of the God-man choosing to be poured out, an offering, balm for the sin-sick. For me, for you, for him.
Who He is removes what I am and offers healing. Healing here - once for all. The need is mine and yours and his. The answer is Him - Creator, Sustainer, Healer of all. Do you know Him?
The decision is mine and yours and his, and every other decision hinges on this one. For ALL time and eternity. Do you know Him?
The One who gives your tomorrow and takes your yesterday. He alone embodies love. Remember, he was not his own, no matter his choices, he was bought with a price, the precious life-giving blood of the God-man - Jesus. Do you know Him? You can. The decision is yours.
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