Last night was like any other. Bellies full, baths given and bedtime stories - in that order. After a day of fits, fights and fever, we decided a slightly earlier bedtime was in order. As we laid the younger two in their beds, my husband, older son and I settled on to the bright blue carpet, we prayed for sweet dreams and a morning of fever free babies. Having forgot to pick a bedtime story, I sent my oldest back to grab a book. He came back with a favorite Thomas the Tank Engine story, Percy's Chocolate Crunch.
As I read this story for the 101st time, a statement caught me off guard. In reply to his driver Percy huffs, "I want to be useful where I can't get dirty!" My first thought was huh. As a matter of fact,
The church. There, I said it. That is where my thoughts led me. We want to be useful. To be the hands and feet of Christ. To reach a lost and dying world. To hear "well done good and faithful servant". Useful. But are we willing to get dirty in the process?
We have convenient terms we like to use. Terms that make humanity less hurtful and more easily to dismiss. If we really want to get dirty, be useful, we must call it like it is. The needy are really living in poverty. Unable to find work due to inexperience. Disabled, more than likely to no fault of their own. Addicted and can't find a way out or have no desire to get out. Slaves to a master who sells their body to make money and doesn't care what diseases, emotional or physical abuse they suffer. To get dirty means to see people past their choices and circumstances and to care for them because they are. To realize that sin has them bound, and once had us bound as well.
We have to get passed our country club, "members only" churches. We should be seeking our Savior and not the recognition of our friends and community. Reaching out to the people, like He did. Unapologetic for the Truth yet loving the people. Offering Hope to all we meet.
I don't know about you, but I don't want a church full of cookie cutter Christians. The only way to take The Gospel is by getting dirty in the process.
Church with cookie cutter Christians... I think the Pharisees would fit right in. Great post- inspiring for ministry.